Wednesday, August 16, 2023

For The Future Of SECU - It's Now Or Never - Your Decision...

✅ As a member of SECU, if you have concerns about:

👎 A)  Negative financial trends at SECU over the last two years:

Total assets - continue to decline, dropping below the $50 billion mark - off over $3+ billion since June 30, 2022. Total deposits - same story, off almost $4 billion from 6/30/2022. 

✔  2023 operating costs are 24% higher (@2.35%) than SECU's traditional operating cost range of 1.86% of assets. That 24% increase in the operating expenses is costing members $220+ million more every year.

Delinquency and charge-offs - have soared in an improving N.C. economy.  In 2023 loan losses have more than doubled ($100+ million dollars) over the levels experienced in prior years.

👎 B) The noticeable deterioration in member service and less than superior rates, especially on member savings accounts (check for yourself!) 

👎 C) The clear decline in the "quality" of  SECU leadership:                                                                              

Then please do this:

See that little email box over to the right? Please send me your email address and let me send you an official nominating petition to sign and return

1) What you're being asked to do: To sign the petition to permit a contested election for the SECU Board seats. The election starts September 1.

2) What you're not being asked to do:  You're not being asked to endorse any candidate or issue, or position. But, a contested election wil permit  members to hear an open discussion of issues and the future direction for SECU. Listen to the discussion, then vote for who will represent you best.

3) Why you are being asked: Because members are concerned about the above trends and the future direction of SECU. The last 2 years have witnessed much turmoil and uncertainty at SECU. The SECU Board has lost the trust of much of the staff and has experienced a decline in support from members. This situation needs to be openly addressed in this election.

4) Why a contested election is needed: If different candidates are not permitted to run; then the incumbents will simply be reappointed without discussion, nor debate. That's not good for SECU members - nor democracy.

Here is a brief summary of the three SECU members who are seeking your permission - and petition signature! - to seek self-nomination as a board candidate. All 3 candidates have been vetted and are qualified by the SECU Nominating Committee:

The 3 proposed self-nominees are Barbara Perkins, Michael Clements and Chuck Stone. All have been members of SECU for over 25 years and all have been active SECU volunteers for decades, serving on advisory boards, loan review committees, and the SECU Foundation Board.
👉 Barbara Perkins lives in Raleigh and worked as a public school teacher, in several state agencies, and in private business. She has expertise in accounting, logistics, and technology systems. UNC-CH grad; CPA; adjunct prof at NCSU.
👉 Michael Clements lives in Winston-Salem and served as a public health leader in several counties across N.C. Has served on numerous boards, key leader in several community non-profits, and elected by his peers as president of N.C. Health Care Association. Graduate of Shaw, masters UNC-CH.
👉Chuck Stone lives in Goldsboro and had a distinguished career in state government with mental health administration at O'Berry and Cherry hospitals. He also served as the operations director for the State Employees Association of North Carolina (SEANC) and sits on its board. Extremely broad experience at all levels of state government, expert on health and employee benefits.
✅ They need your signature and 500 others to be put on the ballot for the 2023 Board election. Please consider sending your email request - right now!** Thank you!

**... the SECU Board changed board election procedures in April, 2023 to allow only a week*** to obtain the 500 signatures! So it really is now or never!
*** Right...who said life was fair?!




  1. Is it safe for (still here) legacy employees to do this?

    1. A contested election should benefit all employees and help clarify and explain the future direction of SECU. And, since the Nominating Committee won't announce other candidates you're not "siding" against anyone.- just for the the CU!

    2. That an employees even has to entertain these thoughts says all there needs to be said about this current dictatorship!

    3. This! @11:38 am, you are exactly right. The credit union I remember was a place where you could be free to offer a dissenting view. Not anymore.

  2. Replies
    1. OTW back - 2 signatures for each

  3. Let's not forget that This Board also implemented Discriminatory Based Lending. And continues to support it as best for all members.

    "Ethics are about what to do when good behavior and profitable business are not necessarily the same thing."

    SECU's Board has failed miserably on the ethics of this particular action.


  4. Evidently candidate pictures are not coming through on some devices will repost separately.

    1. Is there a plan to collect all “wet” signed petitions?

    2. Yes, or if easier just drop original signatures in mail to 3192 Cannadys Mill Rd, Franklinton,N.C. 27525...but today if possible!

    3. On the forms, does name, address etc need filled out or just a signature? Asking for a friend...

    4. Would complete all information including signature


    1. All Good on this end now, thanks. Really didn't matter to me, I would have nominated the two unknowns and the pumpkin at this point and take my chances. I already know how the sitting board members 3 think!

  6. I will be glad to get signatures

  7. Power to the people! We can do it!

  8. All employees, unless you are satisfied with the status quo, need to sign the petition. AND FAST!!

  9. Only way to improve the working conditions at SECU is to get these folks on the ballot. Nothing will change otherwise and things will continue to deteriorate and faster because this board will accelerate the changes if there is no opposition. There is no other option. Sign on for good. Don’t hand it over to the bad guys

  10. Here is your first opportunity to take action, to actually do something to help end the rule of the rogue board! Don't complain! sign these three petitions and get Perkins, Clements and Stone on this ballot. If they do not get on the ballot, NCSECU as we all knew it will be gone. Wells Fargo II here we come. Sign those petitions. We want to end industry standard. NCSECU has NEVER been standard, it has ALWAYS-- until 2 years ago-- been the best. Let's reclaim our reputation.It is not too late yet. But if you don't sign these petitions, it will all end.

    1. Ditto , Ditto! Now is the time to act! If you haven’t already mailed in your signed “wet” petitions, then DO IT today. Just scroll up to the top of this page to where you read “Subscribe for email updates “ and enter your address. JCB will send you a link to print the petition. Sign them and put them in the mail TODAY. JUST DO IT! Feels pretty dang good after after you drop it in the mail. 3192 Cannadys Mill Rd, Franklinton, NC 27525.

    2. Well said, couldn’t agree more

  11. Where can someone get a petition without you emailing it to them? Seems like that should be easy to get off the website but I've been unable to locate it.

    1. Absolutely agree. Ask the SECU Corporate Board secretary

    2. Good Luck! I think you'll find out exactly why these folks need kicked off the board!
      Please let us know if you were successful. Thanks!

    3. Ridiculous that none of this information is available on the SECU website -- or not where I can find it! The board's actions are SO shady! That's enough to cause alarm.

  12. "§ 54-109.19. Removal of officers."

    "(a) The Administrator of Credit Unions shall have the right and is hereby empowered to serve a written notice of her intention to remove from office any officer, director, committeeman or employee of any credit union doing business under Articles 14A through 15A of this Chapter who shall be found to be dishonest, incompetent, or reckless in the management of the affairs of the credit union, or who persistently violates the laws of this State or the lawful orders, instructions and regulations issued by the Administrator and/or the State Credit Union Commission."

    If this doesn't fit now it never will ...!!!

    1. There is no question about it. They all should be removed. I have no faith in our government if they let this go by.

  13. How are the signatures coming?

  14. Need at least one more ....YOURS!!!!

  15. or never...put up or...

  16. can never have enough! they'll be looking for anyway they can to decline a signature ... didn't dot your 'I' throw it out .... didn't cross your 'T' .... sorry no good... You think I'm kidding? We're dealing with professionals here ...

  17. The whole board are phony leaders, for real fascists. Understand Fleming is now trying to peddle influence from his board seat instead of at Leg as in past...same him first self-interest

  18. The total desperation with which they're trying to stifle a free vote and keep themselves in power - for an ostensibly unpaid volunteer position - suggests they've been doing some very underhanded things to enrich themselves.

    You almost can't help but wonder if they know they'll be going to jail if someone new comes in and finds out what they've been doing.

    These are the actions of some very desperate people.

    1. definitely makes you question their motives ... you see we can't read their heart .... but I know someone who can... you may 'think' you're getting away with something but au contraire ....

  19. This Board led by Chris Ayers has done nothing but waste money and make bad decisions for the credit union over the past three years. Paying over Six Million Dollars to Andrews Federal Credit Union just to bring Jim Hayes and company into SECU - all downhill from there. What were they thinking ? We members have paid the price. Please get these petitions signed and then Vote them out!

  20. Let’s get these signatures folks!!! Do your part, Mr Blaine can’t fight this alone and he has put soooooo much time and energy into fighting this cause. DO THE RIGHT THING!!

  21. Just received an email that we are not allowed to gather signatures on the property of SECU? This board is making it obvious at this point. They must have millions of dollars on the line to overthrow SECU. Why would anyone else go through all this trouble? They are a VOLUNTEER BOARD! Why else would they go through all this trouble and to wreck thousands of careers and millions of state workers? It proves this blog is true.

    1. Do all North Carolina Credit Unions operate under these new rules of election this Board has introduced at SECU? It seems this Board has tried to shut the door on others who are willing to serve the membership.

  22. So now the employees get an email about not petitioning for signatures on SECU property. I understand that - I do. I sense that they know their little world is crumbling because WE ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING AND WE WANT OUR CREDIT UNION BACK!

    1. I was amazed at the email! It’s like every event we attend they are defending their actions! To me they are proving their guilt! Employees do not be scared! Print the papers snd send them in! Every name/signature counts ! Plus we have to account for the bullshit they are gonna pull with validating the sheets! It’s now or never!! No gripes or bitching if you don’t sign!!

  23. I find it ironic ( crooked,underhanded) that members who want to run for the BOD and need to obtain "wet" signatures are not allowed by SECU to get any of those "wet" signatures at/in any SECU branch.

    1. This Board has placed limits on the Member/Owners of SECU once again. They continue to make themselves look worse with every decision They make. Hard to believe they will go to such extreme lengths to limit participation in allowing others the opportunity to serve. Is our credit union owned by a cooperative or These Eleven individuals?

    2. Would be an interesting story for the local news. "SECU members banned from obtaining SECU board nomination endorsement signatures on SECU property."

    3. sure would wonder why it's not happening?

  24. That's CEO Brady "Same Old S"!

    1. she's part of the "club" make no mistake

    2. could be the Founder of the club

  25. Overthrow the Fascists!!!! Fascism is at its finest. Now the call center employees have to worry about an AI picking up the inflection in our voice or keywords? How fascist and dystopian can this get? We just want to work and do our jobs without getting screwed. It’s that easy folks.

  26. Have had my Official Nominating Petition for 2 days and have 10 wet signatures. NONE collected on SECU property! Should the BOD use one of the newly hired firms to verify this information (at SECU expense) they will find all signatures valid. You know, members are very interested at what has gone on. I carry a balance sheet with me. Members are aware something really changed about 2 years ago. They are not just talking about the dress code! Can’t wait for this to come to a very public conclusion. Wish I lived near my family in eastern NC. Could have tripled my existing signatures very quickly.

  27. do the incumbents need to get 500 signatures as well.if so why not?

    1. Great question. The obvious answer is that they changed the rules to favor themselves. I joined SECU over 20 years ago and if someone ever asked me about SECU, I told them SECU was fair. Not anymore.

    2. Every meme er on that board should have to see if they can get 500 signatures in one week’s time. Fight the power!

  28. І’vе been ѕellіng mу sоul working аll day
    Overtimе hours for bullshit pay
    Ѕo I сan sit оut here and wаѕte my lіfe away
    Drag back homе аnd drown mу troubles away

    It’s a damn shаme what the world’s gоtten to
    For pеople like me and peoplе like yоu
    Wiѕh I could јust wake up and it not be true
    Вut іt is oh it is

    Livіng in thе new world
    With аn оld soul
    Тheѕe rich men north of richmond
    Lord knows they all just wanna havе totаl cоntrol
    Wanna know what you think wannа know what уоu do
    Аnd they don’t think you know but I knоw that you do
    ’cause your dollar аіn’t shit and it’ѕ taхed tо no end
    ‘сausе of rich men north of richmond

    І wish politіcians would loоk out for miners
    And not juѕt minors оn аn island somewhere
    Lord wе got folks іn the ѕtreet ain’t gоt nothing to eat
    And thе obese milking welfare

    Wеll god іf уоu’re 5-foot-3 аnd you’re 300 pounds
    Taxes оught not to pay for your bags of fudge rоundѕ
    Young men arе putting themselves six feеt in the ground
    ‘cаuse all thiѕ damn country does іs keеp оn kicking them down

    Lord it’s a damn shаme what the world’ѕ gotten tо
    For pеople like me and peoplе lіke уou
    Wish I соuld just wake up and it not be true
    But it is oh іt is

    Living in thе new world
    Wіth аn old ѕоul

    These rich men north of richmond
    Lord knows they all just wanna havе totаl contrоl
    Wanna know what you think wannа know what you dо
    And they don’t think уou know but I know that yоu do
    ’cause your dollar аin’t ѕhit and іt’s taxed to nо end
    ‘causе of rich men north of richmond

    I’ve been selling my soul working all dаy
    Ovеrtime hourѕ for bullshit paу

    The new viral song of Oliver Anthony reminds of Mr.Hayes, BOD and the rest of the executives. Mr.Anthony comes from FarmVille, VA. Listen to the song, BOD. Maybe you’ll understand the working class better with music. Not a soul would not tear up over that song because it is geared towards people like you! The elite corrupt corporations and politicians of the world taking advantage of the working class! Have a soul!


    Heard the song when it had 2M views last Friday... has 17M views today. This type of exponential growth from a relative 'nobody' is unheard of in the music industry. Sometimes 4 chords and the truth is ya need...

    This song is a powerful message to all the 'fat cats' who think they can get away with screwing over the working class (including SECU's BOD.)

  30. As the song says, SECU Board living in the "new/new" world...

  31. Anyone in the Roanoke Rapids/Weldon area wishing to sign or deliver a petition can stop by the ROMEOS table at Ralph’s BBQ around 1:30 today and your petition will be hand delivered by Friday. BBQ ain’t bad either!

  32. I believe our BOD could use some psychedelic therapy or something at this point. What they are doing is soulless and inhumane. What are you going to do with all the money you get in this life? You can’t take it with you, folks! Might as well have a soul and don’t sell it for artificial happiness. Make a difference in people’s life! Don’t ruin careers and micromanage to push people out the door! Life is too short! Just be good volunteers and let the workers of the credit union and the state employees of NC enjoy their credit union without it getting destroyed from the inside out. None of this is necessary. Like the old Bible and famous proverbs heard throughout history say…money is the root of all evil and it’s infected our executive mgmt and BOD. Such a shame watching people put in long hours at this place just to get micromanaged out so they can replace their job with AI down the road. Such a shame. What has the world come to? Soulless humans in charge that have zero empathy or sympathy for the workers that DO ALL THE WORK! There isn’t one BOD member that has worked a loan application or deposited a check before. Same with the executives. They don’t know the struggle coming home wondering if you are going to be able to pay next months rent. They don’t want to know. They just want to fatten themselves up with money like the greedy pigs that they are.

    1. "money is the root of all evil" ... It actually is the 'LOVE' of money ... when you make it your idol.
      And our society definitely worships it, and those who have it ...

    2. "watching people put in long hours"... Exactly, and some folks put in years and deserved the opportunity to lead us... Had that happened we would not be where we are today... pretty confident in that statement. This whole ordeal smells of rotting fish ...

    3. "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." (or board members) ...

  33. Maybe i missed it bot does the Board get paid? Does the Board get bonuses for performance? If not what is it the board gets of all this?

    1. Family junkets. Wooten is worst they say.

    2. Performance in the past two years has been abysmal. They should step down for that alone.

  34. The person requesting signatures on Reddit needs to make sure these people know that they must be SECU members

  35. Where’s haze now and his social media posts?

  36. Speaking of Hayes, ALL employees owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Mr. Blaine for his non stop exposure of what Hayes really was. I am quite certain that without this blog , he would still be here and we would all still be suffering under that idiot!

    1. Amen to this. Thank you, Mr Blaine.

    2. It is most unfortunate that this board never understood how egregious an error hiring Hayes was. This board allowed him to continue to come into the office after accepting his resignation and hiring Leigh Brady overnight without a search(one of the few decisions that were not claimed to be "unanimous!") Don't think for a second that the reason Brady was hired was to undo anything. Merely to sooth the waters until after this election. Full speed ahead with new/new. You better believe H410 will come roaring back next year, if they aren't secretly trying for a federal charter. Do not trust this board or Brady. She and Hayes were "joined at the hip" to quote Hayes!

    3. It would be easier to fight with Hayes. Brady has given false legitimacy to this board's actions. She is a"legacy" employee but has 0 legacy. Just about Brady. folks are hopeful that things will change. Too bad. Brady will compromise a whole lot of folks now.

    4. "... if they aren't secretly trying for a federal charter. Do not trust this board or Brady. She and Hayes were "joined at the hip" to quote Hayes!"

      Didn't haze accept a CEO position for a Fed CU?
      might be the setup they wanted all along ... inside/inside

  37. Ms. Kristina Ray, anything from her? Maybe be our ace in the hole ...

  38. I have entered my email address several times but have not received the form

  39. Are there 500 SECU employees willing to sign the petition? All that is required is for those employed at SECU to stand to the power. Sign the petition. Make SECU GR8 AGAIN. Can I git an AMEN?

    1. I'm one employee that signed along with my husband, son and Dad. Not much but better than zero!

    2. Where one of us goes, we will go together!

  40. Any idea where we stand on signatures?

  41. Hope everyone collecting signatures copied their docs and has a number. Would hate to see some lost or accidentally shredded…..Got a feeling this will be a big number. This is the first step to see who has really lost their marbles!

    1. This legacy employee did! I guess we will see how it all pans out! If your gonna fight you have to be willing to risk it all!’
