At the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting in October, three SECU Board seats will be up for election. By August 11, 2023, the SECU Nominating Committee must choose a slate of 3 candidates for the slots - interviews have begun. There are numerous applicants this year, so there will be a contested election (unless "this Board" does something else sneaky - more to follow, hang on!)
✅ The 2023 Incumbents:
If current Board members are selected (as is typical), the nominees will be Jo Anne Sanford, Alice Garland, and Thomas Parrish.
✅ The 2023 Nominating Committee:
The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Chairman of the SECU Board (he evidently chose himself first - kinda fits a pattern!). Ten years or so ago a determined effort was made to include non-Board members on the Committee to broaden member representation. Those efforts have evidently evaporated, perhaps triggered by the pandemic?
This year's Committee is composed of 5 "this Board" members (Mona Moon - Chair, Bob Brinson, Ben McLawhorn, Chris Ayers, Mark Fleming) and a former Board member, Jim Johnson. There are a lot of similarities among the Nominating Committee other than their complexion. The many inter-connections between "this Board" and the incumbents are intriguing, implausible, perhaps too convenient, and statistically impossible! Take a look...
✅ Ten Questions to Consider:
1) Which are employed in the largest State agencies of Transportation, Corrections, or Health and Human Services? [nada!]
2) Which are among the 200,000+ employees of North Carolina's public and charter schools? [nada!]
3) How many are "blue collar" workers or live in rural North Carolina? [nada!]
4) Which hold (held) State jobs earning at least twice the $51,000 median income of government workers? [all!]
5) How many are under the age of 50? [nada!] How many are retired? [8]
6) How many live outside Wake County? [nada!]
7) Which four have worked together for years as political lobbyists (5 if you believe "this Board" Chairman Ayers lobby's on behalf of the people of N.C. at the Utilities Commission) or worked together in one small state department, which employs less than 50 people? [7]
8) Which three Nominating Committee/incumbents are "kissin' cousins", all former lobbyists, who live literally within 2 blocks of each other in Historic Downtown Raleigh? [can't make this stuff up!]
9) Which current "this Board" Chairman/Nominating Committee member worked directly for an incumbent? [didn't miss that one did you?]
10) Which Nominating Committee member and incumbent were business/lobbyist partners for decades ? [normal folks might think - conflict of interest?]
😎 Word of Warning for Non-Incumbents:
😎 Bonus Question!: Out of 2.7 million SECU members, what is the probability that of 11 "this Board" members: the majority would be lobbyists/political liaisons; all be $100,000+ wage earners; work for, be business partners, live within blocks of each other, etc...
... Well, 'bout the same odds that you're holding the winning ticket to that $1 Billion Megabuck Powerball lottery! [... but good luck with that!]
Incest isn't a crime with this group.
ReplyDeleteand one of this board said this board was told by a consultant that the CU could be taken over by a small group??!!!! could the consultant have been referring to THIS BOARD! Wake up members. Not too late yet but this board is doing the best it can to lock all 2.7 million of us out!
ReplyDeleteALL CREDIBILITY has been lost for these 11 individuals around our state - it is a shame the membership cannot vote to expel them from the co-op. There should be personal repercussions for the damages and losses we SECU Members have incurred under their leadership. Four Billion and counting on the bottom line. Decline in service - hard to place a dollar amount there, but extreme losses all across the state caused by replacing trained staff with incompetent new hires.They have taken this organization from the top to the bottom in record time. We Members need to see some accountability!
Delete"Goodwill" has a value attached to it ...
DeleteHard to wrap my head around 4 Billion ...
ReplyDeleteThe entire board of "volunteer" directors, and the highly paid management have neutered their fiduciary duty of care to the credit union and to the membership. Take their photograph with a Black & White camera. Where is the diversity? The photo looks like something out of KKK photo album. Praise The Lord - at least they have the decency to have a "token" minority incumbent as a place holder. Incest is best with this group - they are in bed with each other. The members need to elect new directors and take back the credit union for the members benefit. SECU did not become the biggest financial institution in NC by following traditional bank practices like RBL. If the credit union follows bank practices they will in fact lose their identity and be just another traditional hard money bank lender. Loans approved and denied base on your credit profile. Sounds like Wells Fraudo. Sounds like Bank of Fees.
ReplyDeleteSnakes on a plane!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder, I need to check my numbers ;)
ReplyDeleteWell that explains the Diversity in DIE ... I guess "Inclusion" of Normal working State employees will be on their next agenda ... and does RBL cover the Equality portion?
ReplyDeleteDIE is a Tyrants DREAM!!!!!
The "inclusion" part is all the executives they hired and gave them all Maximum PTO upon starting...
DeleteI hear the fat lady warming up in the background!
ReplyDeleteDisgusting especially as a SECU employee. These folks do not care about the members nor employees because they view their clique as above everyone else. "Rules for thee but not for me"
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with all these guys wearing ties? Gym better send them his fashion designer ...
ReplyDeleteCrimanally cozy.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the US Supreme Court, a code of ethics for all SECU employyes except the scratch mine, scratch yours Board.
ReplyDelete"I no longer listen to what people say, I just watch what they do. Behavior never lies."
ReplyDeleteWinston Churchill
Elitism,and arrogance 11 self important people sharing a small brain
ReplyDeleteThese decisions made by those Eleven over the past two years have weakened our credit union and all but destroyed the service we have always received from SECU. And now they think we should trust them to change credit union voting procedures and bylaws - all Eleven need removed immediately! Not sure exactly who they have been serving but they have certainly not been acting in the best interests of SECU Members. It appears the only ones benefitting at our credit union these days are these Directors and a small clique of Executives in Raleigh. We and all state employees do not matter to these folks. How much longer can we as members allow them to fail us so miserably? SECU needs a clean slate, pass the word , vote them out! Ayers should have resigned when Hayes did - as Chairman he is ultimately responsible for all this damage our credit union has seen over the past two years. Dirty deeds, secret meetings, pay to plays always surface - This Board is done!
ReplyDeleteWe, as members who OWN SECU, must keep fighting. It's going to be a long haul but we have to do it! We can't fold and let this Board and Brady continue to take OUR money!!! They MUST be held accountable and then shown the door!!!
ReplyDeleteClassic example of the "Good ole Boys Club" ... and their oversight committee NCUA is part of that group to.
ReplyDeleteThey all belong to the same Country Club (Insiders).
You see there's a big club and the membership ain't part of it! They don't have time to really focus on the needs of the common folk. They have their next party to attend (ties optional)... to talk about what new yacht they bought and the free "Money Gun" it included.
"Fitch cuts US credit rating to AA+"
ReplyDeleteMembers have cut our ratings too.
DeleteOur credit (union) score has dropped. SECU is no longer A-paper.
DeleteKinda looks like the James–Younger Gang poster ...
ReplyDelete"Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task."
ReplyDeletedo you have noble intentions? Asking for my friend ... (ps... he already knows)