Tuesday, October 10, 2023

SECU - October 10, 2023


"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
      - Mahatma Gandhi


  1. OMG!! I'm elated! Just saw on the website results of the election.

  2. The member’s voices were heard!

  3. Right! Don't expect someone to come help you out when they can care less or actually see that what is being done is OK! (won't name no names but you know who they are)

  4. From the Business North Carolina Blog on 10/10/2023:

    Brady said she would continue pressing for changes at SECU, including using credit scoring for other forms of loans and launching a small-business lending program. She also assailed Blaine, with whom she worked for more than two decades, for providing misinformation to members. “Jim Blaine doesn’t play fair,” she told reporters after the meeting.

    1. If those comments are true from Ms. Brady, she has sold out and is UNFIT to be the CEO. I’m all for a woman to be a CEO because I am a woman! But I do not want a FASCIST as our CEO and that’s what her and Mr.Hayes are. They are cold hearted Fascists!

    2. So was the press invited and able to attend? I thought only members could attend? I am glad my vote counted.

    3. but it is misinformation lol

    4. what about all the dissembling, obfuscation, and misrepresentation of SECU's financials? SECU's stance on and involvement in drafting H410? The election rule changes? The bylaw changes? Ms Brady had a captive audience for her remarks yesterday--always does. Has not once has any dialogue with the general membership. Is she afraid of the member owners? Ms Brady, as CEO, is playing fast and loose with the truth....

    5. "“Jim Blaine doesn’t play fair,” she told reporters after the meeting."

      Boy is that not the 'pot calling the kettle black'!
      Their Hypocrisy is showing again ...

      after 35 years she hasn't learned anything ...
      it's all ME ME ME .... selfish at heart.

    6. I am very disappointed in Leigh Brady. She has never worked in a branch. She doesn't know what our membership truly looks like - especially in rural areas. They NEED their credit union to HELP them and we can't due to roadblocks like RBL. She doesn't care about employees and how all these new "positions " are resulting in branches running on fumes. Although disappointed in her, do I expect anything different? Absolutely not. She only cares about herself and her cronies - just like Gym Haze.

    7. Unfortunate and poor choice of words for a comment to reporters by CEO Brady. It has been well established over his many years of service in the credit union industry, Jim Blaine does not "play" period where State Employees' Credit Union, SECU Members' and SECU Employees' financial lives hang in the balance.
      Certainly no one in attendance at the annual meeting or watching online would ever question his fairness. The very definition of fairness "the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or reasonable" is a credit union's mission and the direct opposite of the Risk Based Lending he opposes on behalf of the membership.

  5. Members prevail!!! Member owned, not CEO and Board member owned! More work to be done - YAY for us!

  6. Next year there are four board members up for reelection. That would make the vote 7-5 on board policies. The four up next year are McKinley Wooten,
    Stelfanie Williams, Mark Fleming, and Bob Brinson. The members will once again be called on to nominate 4 new board members by petition and ELECT them to the board. Employees, please hang in there for all of us members! We will need you to train employees on how to "Do the Right Thing!" and help us, the members with our financial problems. WE can do this together! "People helping People!"

    1. Wooten especially must go! That man showed his interest level in the proceedings yesterday by playing on his phone a vast majority of the time during the meeting.

    2. Sure wish there had been a camera on the board and that had been up on a screen. They were too far away for most of us to see what they were doing!!

    3. I didn't miss the math-- just including Kristina Ray on the board!

    4. Watch the annual meeting and watch Chris Ayer’s throughout. There was plenty of moments where he was TEXTING while someone was giving a passionate testimony. The podium was clear glass so you can see right it clear as day and see him texting! Sometimes he was making a note, but I noticed at times where he was texting on his phone! Sorry POS!!

    5. I'll be there God willing and the creek don't rise!

    6. "Watch the annual meeting and watch Chris Ayer’s throughout. There was plenty of moments where he was TEXTING while ..."

      'Dang Gym, I guess they didn't like our policies, got any openings up yonder? '

    7. Just got a chance to watch!!! His body language was off big time when Jim Blaine came to the mic! Very awkward and he looked like he was shaking in his loafers!

    8. He doesn't care a whit about the members. Undoubtedly proved that he has no regards whatsoever by doing this. Shows his compassion level. Right there as a solo man on podium and playing on his phone for all of the world to see when members were explaining where things went wrong, what difficulties they have had to face and how to fix them. He had no interest in any of that. And he's the chair!!!

  7. Look up Fascism, folks! Study hard this next year and compare it to what we are seeing from the Brady Bunch regime! They are fascists in disguise and they must be removed! Fascism can take form in the corporate world and be less violent than the the regime in Germany 80 some years ago. Corporate fascism is what this is. Suppressing the voices of the people is fascism!!!!!!! DEATH TO FASCISM! Should’ve died in 1945, but we are still dealing with it today under the sneaky corporate guise of CEOs and rogue boards and executives.

  8. How much was paid to the company that helped with the meeting? And how many issues was there? Why couldn't that have been done in house to save money?

  9. How lame that Brady’s only comment is that Jim Blaine doesn’t play fair. Are you denigrating him because you lost, Brady?! The rules y’all made for elections were unfair! All your lies and obstacles to participation didn’t work out. And now even more people are questioning what’s going on! Wah-Wah Brady. More of it is coming your way. Members are becoming more annd more aware and we’re mad.

  10. Let's step back and look at things the day after. What happens next? Does Leigh regret her statement made after the meeting? Will Leigh make any changes? After sitting there yesterday and seeing all my former colleagues speak, wow what a day! It's time to fix this mess. The writing is on the wall that our members aren't happy with all the changes. Put the work back on the branches and let us fix stuff. Let us help our members like we did for 85 years.

    1. I appreciate this reasonable comment. The comments from the floor were about keeping the membership and employees in the formula when working on new policies. They were not about personalities. Hopefully the Board can learn from the comments and be more transparent.

    2. Agreeing, 9:57 AM. Did our collective message get through and will it make a difference? Will they learn and use that knowledge in service of our members? I think our grassroots movement is much bigger than they realized. Let us do what we do best- helping people!

    3. “Put the work back on the branches?” Not sure what you mean, but the branches carry SECU. Loan Admin couldn’t do their job, branches stepped in. Collections couldn’t do their job, branches stepped in. MSS couldn’t do their job, branches stepped in. The STIP failure, branches stepped in. At every turn, branches and branch staff have been “asked” to help out when do we get help?!?

    4. What else could you possibly put on the branches with the current staffing levels? Already zero ownership/ accountability from any department.

    5. The very same leadership and department who are promoting Risk Based Lending as a cure is the very same group who centralized Loan Approvals and Collections which caused the disease...let's think on that one.

    6. I can tell you one thing that's a fact. The branches cannot and must not implement tax preparation again. They were on the verge of breaking even in the good old days of ample experienced employees. Employees were going home crying every night and working nights and weekends without pay. It would destroy the entire branch network now.

  11. The board made one good decision! They held a fair election.

    1. Only because they were taking so much heat and knew they couldn’t rig it. Too many eyes were on this for them to steal it

    2. I was so proud to hear so many legacy employees and others defend the credit union culture. Many people who have never been financially challenged do not seem to understand why SECU was established. I heard Brady and current board members use the phrase people helping people. They don't really mean what they are saying. Their actions speak louder than words.. trying to take from the needy to give to the fortunate. Give me a fair rate and I like other members will be loyal. Did they really compensate that one person 6 million dollars? If he was paid that much for 2 years, how much were the other new executive hires paid. Makes me sick!

  12. The work isn't done, of course! We won one election, but those three will be fighting 3 to 8, unless the other board members can be convinced to change their minds. Please don't forget to publicly support Clements, Perkins, and Stone! Keep them in your prayers and look for ways to write them and extend support/ encouragement.

    Let's get Kristina Ray next, and prepare for next year's elections! I

    1. "Let's get Kristina Ray next ..."
      Her boss is running for gov next year. Remember he wasn't interested in helping you, jus sayin.

  13. Here's a link to the Business NC blog quoting Mrs. Brady's whine that Jim "doesn't play fair."


  14. Article in The Assembly https://www.theassemblync.com/business/secu-credit-union-vote/

  15. Leigh Brady is quoted saying she believes all the BOD members have the best interest in the credit union…so is a trip to Hawaii what’s best for the members interest at SECU? Leigh brady….hop on outlook right now and type an email explaining how using OUR MONEY to take a trip to Hawaii is what’s best for the membership? Spin that one 🖕

    1. Wow! I knew about the money gun and the yacht, but SERIOUSLY they went to HAWAII?! What are the details on that? I’m flabbergasted 😲
      These people are USING members’ money to go to HAWAII?!? No wonder we can’t get better rates on our savings and the employees can’t be paid appropriately. What a crock!!!!

    2. you should always keep the states money in the state. Period.

  16. When’s the next big Hawaii trip, Mr. Ayers? Might go somewhere different this year instead? We’ll make sure to take pictures for all us members and employees while we work and labor while you enjoy your paid for vacations with our money….must be nice

  17. Time for Brady to go and we have to get to work now to replace the 4 board members up for election next time!!! We've only just begun!!!! The only person that is giving misinformation and not playing fair is Leigh Brady & Company - VOTE THEM OUT and FIRE BRADY!!!!!!!!

  18. Leigh's next move should be very strategic. 35 years will only be 36 if she doesn't make smart moves based on yesterday. Get rid of Culture and Team green and Marketing. How much money has been spent on advertising? Has it done any good? Need to get rid of all the Loan Administration positions and put local branches back in charge of mortgages and fas stuff. Too many good long term employees now work from home and are getting paid good money to do so. The employees on the front lines are the ones that care for our members and always try to Do the Right Thing. 29 years here and it's sad what we have become the last 2 years. I truly love my job and my members and my staff. We all anxiously and eagerly await the next moves.

  19. Did a little further research on Dail Turner ("from Wilson with a T!"), the guy who stood up at the meeting and basically called us all socialists for being opposed to RBL; he worked with Jim Hayes at Andrews Federal Credit Union.

    1. He was a joke. Anybody associated with Hayes….is nothing more than a JOKE.

    2. Shocker. He sounded like a real doozy of a guy. Obviously he's an expert in what SECU needs being he worked with Gym Haze and all. *eyeroll*

    3. He insulted the premise and purpose of our entire credit union and I’m sure we all gave him the exact amount of consideration his comments deserved. I do a serious job that helps people. I have no time for obnoxious agitators.

    4. He's the Vice Chair of their Board of Directors.

  20. If she was concerned about the members/owners she would have said 'the members spoke and we will listen' but that's not what she said. Just more of the same that has gotten us into this mess. If she isn't replaced, expect more of the same ... maybe worse since now the other board members have lost their 'friends'.
    You are who you are, you speak from the heart ... nothing she has said suggests a change of heart.
    That's why when people speak, they read off a cheat sheet so as not to say what they really think just what they want you to hear!

    1. Wasn't she quoted as saying nobody would want the job of CEO of the credit union as she slithered into that role?!? She makes me sick.

    2. I really wanted it to work out with Leigh, but I’m afraid she is cut from the same cloth as Jim Hayes.

    3. Me too. She should make some quick changes and win the employees back over. Both internal and operations. Getting rid of a few outsiders would quickly free up funds.

    4. She is the first women CEO but wasn't the first choice. Gym was ... let that sink in ...

    5. I’m holding out hope she can navigate this situation better. I don’t expect it to all be fixed overnight. I’ve been heartened by some things that have been shifting back on track but there are a lot more areas that need damage control. Changes to the executive team and out of state policy are positive indicators. I’m reserving judgment until I see what happens next.

    6. The easiest first item she could have implemented as soon as she assumed office for employees was to cut down the executive management's full PTO accrual when others have to work for it. That is a no brainer and needs no funds to implement - in fact saves money. That would have shown her compassionate nature and moral compass. That would have proved that in her eyes all employees are equal and will be treated fairly. But she didn't bother. There's no way she's going to make me believe she will step up in fixing all the other problems....

    7. @2:12 could not agree more-she doesn’t care one bit about employees, members, only herself

    8. And repeal the retirement benefits alterations. Employees work so hard for a lesser paycheck and this is how they get rewarded. Not everyone gets paid like the executive management. Having to pay for the mistakes and billions lost by the Brady bunch has become the norm when the Brady bunch hasn't given up anything. Add all the dumb IS decisions made by the non-technical know-it-alls. How many millions are going down the drain?

  21. Leigh Brady is a joke. I didn’t want to say it either. I’ve met her and I liked her originally. Now, I want nothing to do with her as our CEO. She doesn’t deserve the position especially after continuing to back the boards terrible decisions. Get ready for her to introduce RBL to personal loans next! How much interest will the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th class members be paying in interest after this is implemented? Like one of the members stated at the annual meeting…why not give every member the A paper interest rate? That is truly what’s BEST for the membership. If I have to do a loan come November and we are charging members close to 15-19% interest…I’m out. I’m going to work for a bank…at least their honest about what they do even if it isn’t beneficial for the people. I respect that more than the deceiving tactics this board/brady have cast upon this credit union trying to convince us that paying higher rates is somehow good? How stupid do you think we are?

    Oh…and Sue Douglas…that 2 minute segment was great. I’m scared to DEATH at what is happening at OUR credit union as well. Every single one of you that spoke in opposition to this board…you should be damn proud of yourself. Watching that annual meeting last night brought a tear to my eye how strong this credit union is even after we have been infected by parasites that are hungry for money. Chris Ayer’s…why do you like to extract money from poor people? Is it a fetish? You might need help my friend. I recommend a therapist. Your track record in your regular job isn’t serving you well either. Resign and you won’t have to look like a dunce on that stage next year. You looked pathetic and weak, my friend. Take this constructive criticism in a good way because we are only trying to save you the humiliation next year… we will be back next year to finish the job.

    1. "I’m going to work for a bank…at least their honest about what they do even if it isn’t beneficial for the people. "
      My wife worked at 3 banks, I don't think you want any part of that environment JMO. This is where SECU is heading if a turn around in heart doesn't happen. Nobody objects to change, we live it everyday. However, not all change is good. Who ever thinks that way is fooling themselves. This is what I see in the world and SECU today ...
      ' Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools...'

  22. Say it loud, say it proud Poor Leigh.

    1. Haha! You're so right. "Poor, poor Leigh." Shes such a martyr for slithering right on into the CEO role that "nobody wants". How about we refer to her as "Poorly". That sums up how she's handling the membership and employees needs. Got her sights set on greed.
