Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Members Planning to Speak At The 2024 Annual Meeting Have Two Choices!

     A)  B)

              Wish this were funny, it isn't! 

 ✅ You, as a member-owner of SECU, have a real choice when you vote this year. The choice is between the incumbents - the "We" listen, but you can't talk! crowd. The same old/same-old board members who voted this year to prohibit members like you from speaking at the 2024 Annual Meeting.

Anonymous September 24, 2024    Is this a repost?
jim blaine September 24, 2024 at 9:47 AM
  1. Yes! Of all the disagreements one might have with the current SECU Board, the fundamental suppression of the members' right to speak and participate in the SECU Annual Membership meeting is the "final straw" - without question shameful, undemocratic and without precedent among credit unions. The CU world is watching in astonishment.

    This action would be similar to the US Congress unilaterally deciding to repeal the First Amendment to the Constitution. The SECU Board has purposefully eliminated the rights of 2.8 million members - your rights - to openly voice their opinions on the future of their cooperative.

    Perhaps you should vote like your future and that of SECU depended on it - it does.

 ✅ You can vote for your democratic rights as an SECU member and fight this injustice and reject this arrogant insult against every member. Is it your credit union or theirs?

                         Last chance, your choice!

         Vote for the member-nominated candidates:

           ❋❋ Click here to vote now!  

         Jean Blaine - Susie Ford - Julian Hawes - Kirby Parrish


  Do the right thing...




  1. now that's a 'duck' we don't like!

    * 4 more in 24 *

  2. 100% even if I didn’t agree with the speakers I agree with their right as a member to speak. They just want to be able to run the narrative and it’s terrible it’s your credit union but we choose what you can say and when you can say it!

  3. Shaming all of us in the co-op world!

  4. A hoot from secu website -
    'Every member is an owner with a voice and a vote. Let yours be heard.'

    1. Let your voice be heard..Just not at the annual mtg!

    2. oh it's gonna be heard all right, in the form of ...

      * 4 more in 24 *

  5. Is it just me or is a nominating committee made up of current board members going to be biased towards those incumbents?


    1. ... and your money! (Memo: they think it's theirs)

    2. Sure don't mind spending it on keeping the incumbents in office. How many marketing and PR firms have they hired this time? Too bad they didn't use some of them to help Fleming write his letter. Sheesh they want us to think the incumbents are smarter than the member -nominated guys! Vote Blaine-Ford-Hawes-Parrish

    3. smart and honest are two different animals all together ... I'll take honest over smart everyday of the week!

  7. I moved all my money except $25 out. Maybe others should, until they listen.

  8. enlightening .....


    Could it be this is the boards end game?
    Do you think they would tell us if it was?
    Or will they buy your vote for $200 ...

  9. Can Democracy Work?
    An Historical Election Enters the Final Phase


  10. How much of OUR money are they spending on social media for ads??? 4 more in 24!!!!!

    1. we can ask them at the meeting .... oh wait, we aren't allowed to speak at OUR meeting!

  11. Replies
    1. Yes! Of all the disagreements one might have with the current SECU Board, this fundamental suppression of the members' right to speak and participate in the SECU Annual Membership meeting is the "final straw" - without question shameful, undemocratic and without precedent among credit unions. The CU world is watching in astonishment..

      This action would be similar to the US Congress unilaterally deciding to repeal the First Amendment to the Constitution. The SECU Board has purposefully eliminated the rights of 2.8 million members - your rights - to openly voice their opinions on the future of their cooperative.

      Perhaps you should vote like your future and that of SECU deepened on it - it does.

    2. this comment should be THE post. Credit union members need to understand what is at stake here. Next comes merger.....read Chip Filson's blog.

    3. https://chipfilson.com/2024/09/historical-election-entering-final-phase/

    4. Added to body of post

    5. "This action would be similar to the US Congress unilaterally deciding to repeal the First Amendment to the Constitution."

      murthy v missouri comes to mind ... just the start

    6. Well come on, I mean they are giving an hour to answer questions submitted in advance...surely they will not pick and choose which questions they will answer!
